Bible Chapel Fall Bible Conference October 14 -15, 2017

In light of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
our theme for this year’s conference is Set Free By Grace

Guest Speaker – Dennis Newell
He is an Elder at Three Rivers Baptist Church in Columbia, S.C. and
has spoken at previous Bible Chapel Bible Conferences and retreats.

Set free by grace, to
Sat. 4 p.m. (1) Follow Christ in faith!
Sat. 5:15 p.m. Dinner – Call for details
Sat. 6:30 p.m. (2) Serve others, with gladness and humility!
Sun. 9:30 a.m. (3) Embrace God’s choice and use of the ‘unlikely!’ (for men)
Janis Newell will be speaking to the ladies.
Sun. 10:30 a.m. (4) Rejoice in Christian living!
Sun. 6:00 p.m. (5) Savor intimate fellowship with Jesus!

705 Pontius Road Cincinnati, OH 45233 (513) 941-4707
Bible Chapel of Delhi Hills