“It’s Good to be a Man”

Pastor Michael Foster will be joining us at Bible Chapel, for our June Quarterly Men’s Meeting. He seeks to biblically build up men who are seeking a positive and practical doctrine of manhood. It is undertaking the work of dominion God made him for, striving to rightly order himself and the world by developing the virtues and skills necessary to this task – especially strength, workmanship, and wisdom.

Michael is the associate pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Spartanburg, SC. He has served as a youth pastor, church planter, and is the co-founder of “It’s Good to Be a Man”, a ministry to men. He and his wife, Emily, have be married for 15 years and have six kids.

Please R.S.V.P. to Will Glover @ (970) 481-6385 (call or text), or email biblechapelsecretary@fuse.net if you plan to attend. Those with last names beginning with A through L, bring a side dish; others bring a dessert. The church is providing the meat and drinks.